lunes, septiembre 01, 2008

Competencias siglo 21 - Apuntes (II)

Acerca de un experimento sobre como construir una ponencia y de usar el blog como arenero. (Viene de aquí)

Guillermo Lutzky

- Del registro a la comunicación y a la anticipación (alerta temprana)
- Habilidades del siglo XXI

George Siemens - Systemic Impact of Connective Knowledge, Connectivism, and Networked Learning
In particular, almost all technological advancements related to information and communication have influenced three dimensions:
1. Our ability to create and share information and content
2. Our ability to connect and dialogue with others, a progressive minimization of the tyranny of space and time
3. Our ability to experience a simulated reality

(...) The world of expert, clearly-defined, and well-organized knowledge formed by ancient philosophers and deciphered by subsequent thinkers, has today given way to continual flux. Kress and Pachler (2007) have stated,
What we have here is a transition from a stable, settled world of knowledge produced by authority/authors, to a world of instability, flux, of knowledge produced by the individual.

(...) This era of complexity, or as defined by Barnett (2004)—supercomplexity—requires a transition from an epistemological to an ontological emphasis.

(...) The multi-faceted aspects of learning—the criticality of context, the importance of social interaction and negotiation, the need for active “doing”—are all of such nebulous character that they fail to avail themselves to classification.

(...) A university becomes a connection forming organization, brokering relationships, providing opportunities for research, and continuing to serve as a critical, but neutral, place of discovery and advancement of knowledge
Julen Iturbe
Así que las ideas fluyen por territorios comunes. Todos estos autores interpretan una sociedad que es como es y donde personas y empresas sólo pueden tener éxito en tanto sepan nadar en la incertidumbre propia de estos tiempos. Allí no cabe lugar para el estándar, para la mediocridad. Allí sólo sirve despuntar, por raro, por único, por diferente, por provocador, por lo que sea. Pero, o despuntas o te vas al hoyo.

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