El lenguaje debe ser sustituido, se encuentra en proceso de ser reemplazado, por un lenguaje multimedia, en una caótica mezcla de símbolos y texto, audio y video, de palabras e imágenes, temas y tesis, conceptos y críticas, no apilados ordenadamente en filas y distribuidos a través de un proceso ordenado de gestión de contenidos, sino lanzados sin dirección definida en el entorno, un muro de sonido de sensación, no escrito sino presentado, no leído sino percibido.
(...) RSS es lo que ha surgido como la descripción de facto de los contenidos en línea, utilizado por más de cuatro millones de sitios web ya todo el mundo, que sirve para describir no sólo recursos, sino personas, lugares, objetos, las entradas del calendario, y a mi modo de ver, recursos de aprendizaje y objetos de aprendizaje.
(...) No debería ser sorprendente que el orden emerja de una red de fuentes desorganizadas y dispares. El orden surge de las redes. Así es como las redes funcionan, y es por eso que esta es la gramática del nuevo lenguaje.
Tim Rudd, Dan Sutch and Keri Facer, Futurelab. 2006 - Towards new learning networks
Hans Daanen and Keri Facer. Futurelab. 2007 - 2020 and beyond: Future scenarios for education in the age of new technologies(...) Why learning networks? Because social mobility and social capital are achieved through building and mobilising networks of expertise.
- First, we need to challenge the assumption that expertise and knowledge reside only within the walls of the educational institution, and to ask instead, what might be gained from tapping into the resources that exist in the wider community and within the networks that people are already connected to?
- Second, we need to challenge the assumption that ‘learning’ and ‘schooling’ are different words for the same thing, and to ask instead what different approaches to and models of learning are also in evidence today in people’s work and leisure lives?
- Third, we need to challenge the assumption that the most ‘equitable’ education systems are those which offer a one-size-fits-all approach, and instead examine how the recognition of learners’ diverse voices and experiences can enhance inclusion, aspiration and achievement through the creation of personalised educational trajectories.
- Finally, as digital resources increasingly offer opportunities for networked, collaborative and distributed learning and interaction, we need to challenge the assumption that the easiest and most costeffective approach to organising learning is within the walls of the school.
(...) The questions these embedded and ubiquitous devices raise for education arepotentially profound: Who or what should be tested in exams? The person,the person plus tools or the person’s use of tools? What skills should education develop? Skills of interpretation of complex and ongoing datafl ows, or skills of finding silence and reflection in the midst of constant information?
- To what extent are we prepared, as a society and as educators, for the massive changes in human capabilities that digital technologies are likely to enable in the next 13 years?
- To what extent are our future visions for education based upon assumptions about humanity, society and technology that are no longer valid?
- To what extent can we, as educators, help to shape the developments of technology in order to enhance human development?
Who is the subject of education? The child or the tools which need to learn to support the child? What are educational basics in an age when interaction with information and knowledge is as likely to come through auditory and image-based media as through written text? What does a fair education system look like, if intelligence is enhanced and developed through tools that can be purchased?
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