sábado, marzo 17, 2007

Widgify: Nacimiento del Web 3.0

Acerca de un artículo que marca la funcionalidad de los Widgets y su rol clave en la futura Internet.

El mismo explica las funciones de los widgets, la tendencia a la atomización del Web 2.0 (bajo los feeds RSS) y el acercamiento a las "experiencias integradas" en el Web 3.0 mediante los agregadores. Nombra a Netvibes como un ejemplo de Digital Lifestyle Aggregators.

Widgify » Rise of Web 3.0: "Widgets are mini-applications that encapsulate web services via graphical components such as slideshows, videos, games, and more. Want your blog readers to know about the stocks you are watching? Grab a Yahoo Finance Badge. Want your friends on MySpace to know what the tour schedule is for your favorite band? Grab a ReverbNation Tour Map Widget. Widgets are the web ala carte. And these little apps are being used to build increasingly customized experiences on StartPages, Social Networks, Blogs and other online content aggregation platforms. And – as it happens – these platforms are embracing this change with open arms. Typepad and Blogger have opened up their sidebar to Widget Developers. Tagworld introduced a Widget gallery. And the list goes on and on…

Web 2.0 –> Web 3.0
[Atomic services to integrated experience]

So the theme of Web 2.0 is atomization. If Web 2.0 is about atomization, then Web 3.0 will be all about integrated experiences in a world of atomic content and services. As the web continues to become disaggregated, there will be a burgeoning demand for tools that can help users effectively leverage these “information atoms,” together in a meaningful manner. Not only will there be a need for tools that help users aggregate widgets, but also tools that enable widgets to work together. Imagine a world where there are as many widgets as there are web pages. Won’t it suck royally if they don’t work together?

Tools like Netvibes, Pageflakes, and Uber represent the next generation of content aggregation platforms. Marc Canter has dubbed these tools as Digital Lifestyle Aggregators, or DLAs. DLAs will enable users to manage their content and services across platforms (desktop, web, mobile) and even across social networks. "

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1 comentario:

Vic dijo...

Hola Guillermo, interesante post, hace un tiempo estuve haciendo un analisis de los distintos WEBos, o Sistemas operativos que conformarán la denominada Web 3.0, lo que si es seguro es que nadie sabe como terminará o si estamos en otra burbuja.. :)
